The Cocoon Nebula IC-5146 taken May 22, 2009 with a Orion Starshoot Pro CCD camera through an Orion 190mm Maksutov Newtonian OTA and autoguided with a Starshoot Autoguider through an Orion 72mm Eon refractor piggybacked on the Orion Mak-Newt, and mounted on a Celestron CGE Pro mount.
The Cocoon Nebula IC-5146 taken May 22, 2009 with a Orion Starshoot Pro CCD camera through an Orion 190mm Maksutov Newtonian OTA and autoguided with a Starshoot Autoguider through an Orion 72mm Eon refractor piggybacked on the Orion Mak-Newt, and mounted on a Celestron CGE Pro mount.
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