Spiral Galaxy NGC-253 taken October 3 & 25, 2008 with an Orion Starshoot Pro CCD camera attached to a 10" LX200R OTA (on 10/3) and a Televue 102iis with 2X Powermate (on 10/25)on a Losmandy G11 Mount guided with a Orion Starshoot Autoguider camera using an Orion 72mm Eon refractor as a guide scope and PHD Guiding Software. Exposure was ten five minute exposures stacked with Maxim Essentials software.
Spiral Galaxy NGC-253 taken October 3 & 25, 2008 with an Orion Starshoot Pro CCD camera attached to a 10" LX200R OTA (on 10/3) and a Televue 102iis with 2X Powermate (on 10/25)on a Losmandy G11 Mount guided with a Orion Starshoot Autoguider camera using an Orion 72mm Eon refractor as a guide scope and PHD Guiding Software. Exposure was ten five minute exposures stacked with Maxim Essentials software.
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