Test Images For Imaging The Total Solar Eclipse in August of 2017 02/27-28/2016
Test Images For Imaging The Total Solar Eclipse in August of 2017 02/27-28/2016
H-alpha image taken with Solarmax 60 DS Telescope, PGR Grasshopper 3 camera. Sharper white light images taken with a Lunt solar wedge through the Orion ED80 refractor, 2X barlow, PGR Grasshopper 3 camera. Less sharp larger White light image taken with a Orion ED80 refractor telescope, Thousand Oaks type 2 glass filter, 2X Powermate, Canon 60Da DSLR camera. Less sharp smaller white light image taken with a Orion 500mm F/5.6 mirror lens, Thousand Oaks type 2 glass filter, Canon SL1 DSLR camera. Cak images taken with an Orion ED80 refractor, Lunt B1200 CaK filter, and PGR Grasshopper 3 camera. Ioptron IEQ45 Pro mount guided with a Hinode Solar Autoguider.